The Agorapulse Inbox makes it easy to manage multiple comments or messages at one time using bulk actions. Bulk actions in the Inbox can be used to perform these actions:
Please Note: The ability to perform bulk actions are available depending on the subscription plan you have. If you would like to change your plan to access this feature, feel free to contact us.
How to use bulk actions in the Inbox
While in the Inbox, you can apply bulk actions by following these steps:
(Optional) Apply any required filters
Select multiple Inbox items
There is a checkbox available when hovering over the top-left of the itemChoose from the bulk action options at the top of the list of Inbox items
You can hover over each icon to confirm the actionClick on icon related to the bulk action you would like to perform
a) If reviewing multiple item click Review items in the pop-up*
b) If assigning multiple items choose the team member from the drop down, add a message (optional) and click Assign in the pop-up
c) If adding a label, choose the label from the drop-down and click Updated) If deleting multiple items click Delete items in the pop-up
e) If hiding multiple items click Hide items in the pop-up
* If no Inbox items have been selected, there will be an option to Review All. This action will review all items that currently appear in the list of Inbox items.
Note: Some items are unable to be deleted or hidden from Agorapulse. For more information on what type of items cannot be deleted or hidden, please take a look at this article.