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Saved replies feature
Updated over 6 months ago

You can create Saved replies for each of your social profiles and save a ton of time when using the same responses over and over again.

Saved replies can be found at the bottom of the reply field:

You can search the list of your Saved replies with keywords (the search is not case sensitive and it's a full-text search - both titles and bodies of saved replies are searched) and you can see the author of a given reply (the little profile picture on the left).

For easier filtering, we've added the option to filter out only saved replies created by you. There is also a direct way to manage the saved replies - just click on the Manage replies button.

Managing your saved replies

To manage saved replies, you can use the button described above, or you can head over to the Profile settings - Saved replies.

By default, all saved replies created for a given social profile are displayed, in alphabetical order. You can filter out your own saved replies by checking Show only my saved replies.

To edit a saved reply, click on the Edit button, to remove it click on Remove.

To create a new saved reply, click on Create a new reply. First, name the reply, then add a text of the saved reply itself into the field below. You can also add placeholders - right now %name% placeholder is available, but there are more to come!

If a saved reply contains a placeholder %name%, it will automatically be replaced by the recipient's name (or Twitter/Instagram username) when used.

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