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Calendar Notes
Updated over a week ago

Calendar Notes allow you to place reminders of special events on the Calendar on a single day or range of days.

There are 2 options when creating calendar notes:

  • create the calendar note for the workspace → in this case, the note will visible in the publishing calendar no matter the selected social profile and when no profile is selected

  • create the calendar note for one or more social profiles → in this case, the note is visible in the publishing calendar only when the associated social profile is selected

Calendar Notes are not associated with the user who created them. Teammates with access to the social profile associated with the notes, will be able to see the notes. Calendar notes are not private.

Please note: Calendar notes are available depending on the subscription plan you have. If you would like to change your plan to access this feature, feel free reach out to us here.

How to create a Note

To create a Calendar Note, simply hover over a calendar day in the Weekly or Monthly view and click on the add notes button that appears.

This will open the add note window where you can create the note. Here are the details you can add in relation to the note:

  • Title - name your note. This will be displayed on the calendar as the identifier

  • Content - this can be a description, or can be left blank

  • Date - you can choose a single day, or a date range if the event you're noting is longer than 1 day

  • Linked profiles - you can choose 1 or more social profile for the note. The note will appear on all social profiles selected. If left blank the note will appear on all social profiles in the workspace

  • Color - choose an identifying color for your note

Don't forget to click the Save Button and your note will be added to the calendar.

The note will be displayed on all dates that were chosen, in both the Monthly and Weekly view.

Name Calendar Note Colors

You can name the colors used on the calendar notes. This way you and your team easily identify that specific colors are associated with specific types of events.

Simply, click the Add Color label link in the Add note window. Then Select a color and give it a name.

Hide or Show Notes in the Calendar

You can choose to display or hide notes in the Calendar using the filters. Click the Filters button at the top of the screen. Then toggle on (or off) the Show notes option.

Delete Notes from the Calendar

To delete the note, click on the note on the calendar to open it. Then in the bottom of the note detail window click the trash icon to remove it.

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