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Collaboration & Content Approval
Shared Calendars
How many shared calendars can I create? What are the limits?
How many shared calendars can I create? What are the limits?
Updated over a week ago

The Shared Calendar feature is only available in the Advanced and Custom plans.

Advanced plan

Custom plan

# of Shared calendars
included in the plan



During the Free trial, you're actually testing out the Advanced plan so you'll have access to 5 Shared Calendars by default.

If you wish to have more shared calendars thean what's included in the plan, for example for another client(s), feel free to contact us.

Note: All users added to a given shared calendar will have access to content shared in this calendar. If you have multiple clients, it's recommended to set up multiple shared calendars separately.

Note: If a group of posts is created that includes profiles not included in the shared calendar, external users will not be able to view the posts. This is because they don't have access to all profiles in the group of posts. Ensure all relevant profiles are included in the Shared Calendar.

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