Facebook Engagement
Updated over a week ago


In the Engagement section, you can see:

  • how many reactions were made during the selected period on all your posts (we display the breakdown for all types of Facebook reactions - Like , Love , Haha , Wow , Sad and Angry )

  • how many times your posts were clicked (we display the breakdown for all types of post clicks - link clicks, photo views, video plays and other clicks)

  • how many comments were made on your posts (organic + ad comments) *

  • how many private messages you've received **

  • how many times posts from the selected period have been shared ***

We provide a breakdown of metrics for both Organic and Paid engagement. Additionally, we compute the Total engagement, which includes five metrics—clicks, reactions, comments, messages, and shares—from both Organic and Paid sources.

The graph reveals those metrics daily - how many comments have you got last Tuesday? How many likes did you get on your posts yesterday? How many reactions? The graph will tell you.

Note: Due to limitations with the Meta API, we cannot display separate breakdowns for organic and paid reactions, other types of clicks, and private messages metrics. As a result, the total columns represent a combination of these metrics. Therefore, for accurate data, please refer to the values listed in the total column.

* both user comments and the Page's own comments are included in this count

** for the Private messages count, we count every message in a thread - for example, in the conversation below, there are 3 messages in the thread, and we would count 3 of them

*** both organic and boosted posts. Shares are not included in the daily engagement graph, because Facebook Insights API doesn't provide this metric on a daily basis

​Engagement Rate

We also compute the Engagement rate which shows the level of organic and/or paid interaction with content divided by impressions or reach. By default, we display the engagement rate by impressions.

Using the drop-down in the top right corner of the chart, it's possible to switch between:
- engagement rate by impressions (total engagement divided by total impressions)
- engagement rate by reach (total engagement divided by total reach)

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