If you ever wondered where the data in Agorapulse's Social ROI dashboard come from or why they are different from Google Analytics, here’s a quick overview specifically for GA4 metrics.
Social Analytics
Social Analytics show global data of social media impact on the website activity. Please note that ALL the below metrics are for organic social activities only. To see organic social data, you’ll need to apply a filter “Session Default Grouping” = “Organic Social” and also exclude events that are named "user_engagement" and "session_start" inside your GA4 reports.
Agorapulse dashboard | Google Analytics 4 metric | Note |
Visitors | Total Users | Total User metric for users coming from organic social activities. You can check this data inside GA4 in the Reports > Engagement > Events section. |
Event Completed | Event Count | Reports > Engagement > Events: Event Name > There you can find the event count for all events and check the table header for “Event Count“ to get the total |
Event Value | Event Value | Reports > Engagement > Events: Event Name > There you can find the event value and check the table header for “Event Value“ to get the total |
Conversion Event Completed | Conversions | Reports > Engagement > Conversions: Event Name > There you can find the conversion count for all conversion events and check the table header for “Conversions“ to get the total |
Conversion Event Value | Event Value | Reports > Engagement > Conversions: Event Name > There you can find the conversion event value and check the table header for “Event Value“ to get the total |
Transactions | Conversions | Reports > Engagement > Conversions: Event Name > There you can find the “Purchase” conversion event and check the table for “Conversions“ |
Purchase Revenue | Purchase Revenue | Reports > Engagement > Conversions: Event Name > There you can find the “Purchase” conversion event and check the table for “Total Revenue“ |
Funnel By Campaign | Session Campaign | In Acquisition > Traffic Acquisition, filter on “Session Default Chanel Group” as a first filter and “Session Campaign” as a secondary filter; you can then check “Organic Social” rows in the table for “Users”, “Conversion: All Events” or “Conversion: Purchase” data |
Funnel by Landing page | Landing page | In Acquisition > Traffic Acquisition, filter on “Session Default Chanel Group” as a first filter and “Landing page + query string” as a secondary filter; you can then check “Organic Social” rows in the table for “Users”, “Conversion: All Events” or “Conversion: Purchase” data |
Funnel by Source | Social Network | In Acquisition > Traffic Acquisition, filter on “Session Default Chanel Group” as a first filter and “Session Source” as a secondary filter; you can then check “Organic Social” rows in the table for “Users”, “Conversion: All Events” or “Conversion: Purchase” data |
Your Social ROI
Your social ROI represents data generated by social media content published from Agorapulse (from both Publishing and Inbox content like posts or comment replies).
Agorapulse dashboard | Google Analytics 4 metric | Note |
Visitors | NA | Unique “Session Start” events BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Event Completed | NA | Total event completions BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Event Value | NA | Total event value BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Conversion Event Completed | NA | Total conversion event completions BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Conversion Event Value | NA | Total conversion event value BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Conversion Event Completion | NA | Conversions BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Conversion Event Revenue | NA | Revenue BUT filtered by tracked posts published from Agorapulse |
Funnel by Profile | N/A | Visitors, conversion event completions and value BUT filtered by Social Profiles for which posts were published from Agorapulse |
Funnel by Content type | N/A | Visitors, conversion event completions and value BUT filtered by types of content published from Agorapulse. Types of content are: posts, comments and direct messages. |
Top content | N/A | Visitors, conversion event completions and value for the top 5 published posts from Agorapulse. Note the data here is not lifetime but for the selected time period. |
Funnel by Team member | N/A | Visitors, conversion event completions and value BUT filtered by Agorapulse users that published content or shared links through comments and direct message responses. |