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Agorapulse Mobile App
How do I log in to Agorapulse mobile app?
How do I log in to Agorapulse mobile app?
Updated over a week ago

You can log in with an email & password in the Agorapulse Companion app.

If you've previously signed up to Agorapulse with Facebook and you're only using Facebook login to sign in to the Agorapulse web app, you'll need to enable email & password login to access the mobile app.

To enable email & password login:

  1. log in to the Agorapulse web app ( with your Facebook login

  2. click the menu in the bottom-left corner of the screen and then choose Personal settings

  3. go to Security and enter your password

  4. save changes

After that, you'll be able to log in with your email & password both on the web and the mobile app.

Please note that we use the email tied to your Facebook account, by default - if you'd like to change it, you can do so in Personal settings > Email.

Also, when you're using Facebook to log in, Facebook uses the profile you're logged in within the Safari mobile browser by default. If you're using several profiles, you need to make sure you're logged in with the Facebook profile which is connected to Agorapulse - i.e. the one with which you have signed up.

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