This article will outline how users who have been added as an approver may review scheduled posts. For more information on how to send posts for approval, please take a look at this article.
The processes for reviewing posts as internal and external (Shared Calendar) users are separated below.
How to review a post as an internal user
As an internal user, if a post is assigned to you, there are several actions you can perform:
Editing the post will not result in an automatic change of the post's status. Only approving or rejecting the post will change the status from To approve.
How to leave a comment as an internal reviewer
Internal users may see comments from both internal and external users. Leaving a comment does not affect the status of a post.
To leave a comment on a post, open the post in the Publishing Composer:
Click on the Conversation icon on the top left
Select the Internal or External toggle
Internal notes will not be visible for external users. This will appear in the comments section.
Add a comment in the text box
Press Send Internally or Send Externally
Please Note: All assignees and other users who have commented on the post will be notified once the comment is sent.
How to reassign a post as an internal reviewer
Internal users who have been designated as an assignee have the option to re-assign a post to another user, regardless of whether there are other assignees. Owners and Managers may re-assign a post at any time.
Note: It is not possible to reassign a post in an approval workflow.
To reassign a post, open the post in the Publishing Composer:
Click on the __ user(s) assigned icon on the bottom right
Add the new assignee in the drop down
Remove assignees using the x symbol if required
(Optional) Add a note for internal or external users in the Your message field
This will appear as a commentClick Re-assign
Select Send for approval on the bottom right
If you reassign a post to other people but you don't include yourself, you will no longer have access to edit the assignees you selected.
Note: If the option Everyone must approve is toggled on, it is not possible to reassign the post regardless of whether the user is internal or external (except Managers/Owners).
How to approve or reject a post as internal reviewer
As a reviewer, you can approve or reject a post by following these steps:
Open the post in the Publishing Composer
Click the ˇ icon next to Approve and save
Select Approve for all and save to approve the post
Select Reject and save to reject the post
Select Save changes to save any edits without changing the status of the post
If a post is approved, the status of the post will change to Scheduled and it will automatically publish at the designated time. If the post is utilizing Approval Workflows, the workflow will continue to the next approval step.
If a post is rejected, the status of the post will change to Rejected. A post will not publish while in Rejected status. The post will automatically be assigned back to the person who sent the post for approval (or to its creator if the post is utilizing approval workflows).
An Owner/Manager (or someone with Editor or Admin rights) will need to manually approve the post in order to change the status or re-schedule it. The post can also be sent in a new approval workflow.
Note: Owners, Managers and users with Admin rights on the profile in question may approve or reject a post on behalf of all assignees at any time. In an approval workflow, only the current step will be validated.
This can be useful if a user has been removed from the platform or is on leave
How to review a post as an external user
External users can be added to review posts if the Shared Calendar has been configured. When an external user opens the Shared Calendar they will be notified that there is a post to review. They may then perform the following actions:
How to leave a comment on a post as an external reviewer
Select Review this post group or open the post directly from the Shared Calendar
Press Add a comment
Enter your comment in the text box
Press Send comment
Note: Sending a comment will not change the status of a post.
How to request changes to a post as an external reviewer
Select Review this post group or open the post directly from the Shared Calendar
Click on the Request changes icon
Enter the changes you are requesting in the text box
Click Submit
Please Note: If Request changes is selected, the post will change to Rejected status. A post will not publish while in Rejected status. Shared Calendar can also utilize this option on posts they have not been directly assigned.
The post creator or an Owner/Manager will need to re-assign this type of post or manually approve it to change the status.
How to approve a post as an external reviewer
Select Review this post group or open the post directly from the Shared Calendar
(Optional) Add a comment following these steps
Click Approve
Note: If a post is approved, the status of the post will change to Scheduled and it will automatically publish at the designated time. If the post is utilizing Approval Workflows, the workflow will continue to the next approval step.