Please Note: Advanced Listening is available as an add-on to your subscription. More information on pricing is available here.
To create an Advanced Listening search, please follow the instructions in this article.
The Advanced Listening Search Dashboard provides an overview of all Advanced Listening searches. In this article we will cover:
How to view all Advanced Listening searches
Once you have a Listening search created, you will be able to see a snapshot of this directly from the dashboard. Each Listening search you have created will be displayed as a separate "card" with the following information:
Search Name
The network the search is active on
The listening parameters that have been set up.
The user who created the search and date
We will also display the following metrics from the past 7 days:
To view the results of your Listening search, simply click on the "card" you want to view. For more information on your search results, please head over to this article here.
How to manage Advanced Listening searches
To edit or deleted an Advanced Listening search, please follow the instructions below from the Advanced Listening dashboard.
How to edit an Advanced Listening search
Click the (...) on the top right of the selected Advanced Listening search
Click the Edit search option
Make the required edits to the search (search criteria is available here)
Click the Save search button
How to delete an Advanced Listening search
Click the (...) on the top right of the selected Advanced Listening search
Click the Delete search option
Select Delete search in the pop-up