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How do I cancel my subscription?
Updated over a year ago

Your subscription can be canceled only by the organization's Owner. To cancel your subscription:

  • Click on your profile picture in the bottom left of the screen and click on Subscription


  • Click Organization settings and select Subscription


  • Click on the Cancel subscription link at the bottom of the page

Note: If you are using our Free Plan, in the screen above you will see the option Stop Free Plan in place of Cancel subscription. Click on that to end the plan.

Please provide additional information regarding the reasons for your cancellation, which will help us to understand why we were not a right choice for you. Once done, just hit Terminate button.

WARNING: This will be effective at the end of your billing cycle. You can check how long you still can access the tool on the subscription tab. If you change your mind, just hit “turn on your subscription renewal” to resume it. :)

WARNING 2: If you want to apply for a refund, please read this article about our policy.

We'll miss you :-(

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