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How to pause your scheduled and queued content
How to pause your scheduled and queued content
Updated over a year ago

We realise you may need to change your content during this crisis.

Note: If you have scheduled content that you want to save for a later time, create a queue category labelled Saved Content for each of your social media profiles. Then, move your scheduled content to the paused queue.

Here’s how to create and pause a Saved Content queue:

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on the Library button

  2. Then select Queues from the left menu list

  3. Here you can select the option Create a new queue, and follow the steps.

In the queue settings, you can name your queue, either "Saved Content", or whatever name you’d like. Then select a colour and social profile to apply the queue too. Choose a Position option and click on the Create button.

The next thing to do is create a time slot for your new queue. Don't worry, we won't be publishing in this time slot as we will be pausing this queue. We can only add content to queues with a time slot.

Click on the action button Add Timeslots, choose a time in the calendar and click Create.

Now, you can pause our new queue. To do this click on the 3 dots in the queue header and click Pause this queue.

Repeat the above steps 3-12 for each social profile you want to create a queue to save content.

Next, move each social media profile’s scheduled content to your paused Saved Content queues, one by one, post by post to minimise chances for error.

Here’s how to move a post from your scheduled list to the paused queue you created:

  1. Go to the calendar and click on the List view in the top navigation.

  2. Filter the posts for Scheduled, by clicking the Filters button at the top.

  3. Choose your scheduled post from the list and click on the 3 dots, and select the Duplicate this post option.

  4. In the composer window, in the left bar, switch from Profiles to Queues

  5. Select your Saved Content queue (or whichever name you gave it) and then click the Add to queue button on the bottom right.

Next, be sure to remove your original scheduled post. To do this, navigate back to the List View on the calendar and filter for scheduled posts. Click the 3 dots on your post and select the Delete this post option.

Then, repeat these steps for each social media profile that you created a Saved Content queue category for.

If you have queued content in Agorapulse, you can pause all of your queue categories for each social profile by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Library section

    and select Queues in the left-hand menu.

  2. Choose the queue you wish to pause

  3. Click on the 3 dots in the queue header and select Pause this Queue

Repeat these steps with each social profile whose queue categories you want to pause.

When the time is right for the queues to go live, go to the Library > Queues section again. Click on the 3 dots on the header of the queue you want to resume and select the Resume Publishing option.

We hope this provides you with a temporary solution during this time of concern. We are working on resources to help you navigate this time as well. You can always keep up to date here:

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