Below you'll find the most frequent publishing errors along with recommendations on what to do if they occur.
TIP: You can find the most common Inbox reply errors here.
Your access token has expired or has been invalidated
Click on “Can't find a profile?"
Next, click on to reconnect (please proceed to log into Facebook when redirected to the next screen)
Then, click on Done connecting profiles
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#32) Page request limited reached (code 32, subcode null)
The API calls limit was reached for your Page. It's based on daily active people (DAP) - the higher your page's DAP, the higher the rate limit threshold. As soon as the threshold is reached, the Page is locked by Facebook and the only way to get this "resolved" is to wait for the Page to be unlocked again.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Invalid parameter (code 100, subcode 2061006)
Most of the time this happens when a URL is not inserted in the correct format - check the field where the URL link is pasted and correct the URL. Then try again.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Invalid parameter (code 100, subcode 1349125)
In general, an invalid parameter error means there is something wrong with the content (text, image, link, ...) - either it is missing (no text, blank post), or something is wrong (image too heavy, for example with extremely high resolution, URL in incorrect format...), etc. The content (text, URL, image) should be checked and any "flaws" corrected. Then try again.
Facebook error: It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You've been blocked from using it. Learn more about blocks in the Help Center. (code 368, subcode 1390008)
Page is most likely posting too often, too similar content, "spammy" content, or a combination of all. Facebook blocks the Page and it cannot publish. Don't publish spammy content :)
Facebook error: Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. (code 368, subcode 1346003)
The error message is pretty self-explanatory - the content has been reported as abusive by Facebook users, therefore couldn't be published. Don't publish this kind of content.
Facebook error: Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request (code 1, subcode null)
This might happen for not very active Facebook Pages when they try to publish "heavy" posts (with text+link+image+mention etc.). It has helped in the past to try to leave out mention of another Page in a post. It might also help to leave out other parts of the content (image, URL), if possible, and try to publish again.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later. (code 2, subcode null)
We don't really know the reason, it says unexpected error, which can mean something temporary only. First, check whether the post was actually published or not (on the FB page) - it can happen that the post is actually posted a minute later, despite the initial try being unsuccessful. Second, if the post was not actually posted, try to schedule and post it again later.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Service temporarily unavailable (code 2, subcode 1363047)
The communication via Facebook API was temporarily unavailable, therefore we could not process the publishing action at that given moment. First, check whether the post was actually published or not (on the FB page) - it can happen that post is actually posted a minute later, despite the initial try was unsuccessful. Second, if the post was not actually posted, try to schedule and post it again later.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Service temporarily unavailable (code 2, subcode 1609010)
The communication via Facebook API was temporarily unavailable, therefore we could not process the publishing action at that given moment. First, check whether the post was actually published or not (on the FB page) - it can happen that the post is actually posted a minute later, despite the initial try being unsuccessful. Second, if the post was not actually posted, try to schedule and post it again later.
An unknown error occurred
We don't know the reason, we don't have any further info. We can't do anything, just try again later.
Facebook error: Permissions error (code 200, subcode 1609008)
This is happening when you're trying to publish a link in your post. It is not possible to publish links (link to someone's post, link to a video on Facebook, etc.).
Facebook error: Error validating access token: The user is enrolled in a blocking, logged-in checkpoint (code 190, subcode 490)
This error can happen when your account is temporarily flagged by Facebook due to security or privacy reasons - this could include suspicious login, inappropriate content, terms violation, etc. We recommend that you:
Clear your cache & cookies
Log in to your Facebook profile (or Facebook Business Manager)
Answer the security questions at the log-in checkpoint, when asked
Facebook error: (#100) name parameter cannot be longer than 255 bytes. (code 100, subcode null) 'null - null'
This is happening when you modify the default link title and you make it too long - Facebook allows the custom link title to be a max of 255 bytes long, which approximately corresponds to 255 characters. So what you'll need to do is to reduce the length of the link's title.
Facebook error: An unknown error occurred (code 1, subcode 99) 'null - null'
This is most likely Facebook's temporary issue due to downtime. Please wait and retry the publishing later.
Facebook error: Your content couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards (code 368, subcode 1404102) 'null - '
We suggest removing the link from the post. Additionally, you can read more about Facebook Community standards here.
Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: You're restricted from acting as your Page until you complete Page Publishing Authorization. Switch back to your Primary Profile to complete authorization under - Settings - Account Settings - Identity Confirmation. Complete verification or you will be restricted indefinitely. (code 368, subcode 1404078) 'null - '
Switch into your personal Facebook profile and then go to this Facebook link here and complete any steps required.
Please note that Facebook typically wants all users who hold a role on the Facebook Page to go through Identity Confirmation. Therefore, if there are other users associated with the Facebook page, please request them to follow the same steps.