Below you'll find the most frequent publishing errors along with recommendations on what to do if they occur.
Facebook error: (#32) Page request limit reached (code 32, subcode null)
The profile has reached its API calls limit, therefore we are not able to publish on this profile or sync its new comments. The API call limit is based on daily active people (DAP) - the higher your page's DAP, the higher the rate limit threshold. As soon as the threshold is reached, the profile is locked by Instagram/Facebook and the only way to get this "resolved" is to wait for the profile to be unlocked by the native platform.
Facebook error: The aspect ratio is not supported. (code 36003, subcode 2207009)
The aspect ratio of the image must be within 4:5 to 1.91:1. Crop the image and try to publish it again.
Facebook error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later. (code 2, subcode null) (5 retries)
Unknown error - we have no further information on this one. The only thing we can recommend is publishing the same content again later.
Facebook error: Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. (code 190, subcode 460)
We have no valid tokens/permissions. Follow these steps:
Click on “Can't find a profile?"
Next, click on to reconnect (please proceed to log into Facebook when redirected to the next screen)
Then, click on Done connecting profiles
Facebook error: The image format is not supported. (code 36001, subcode 2207005)
The problem is most likely the image resolution - Instagram allows a max resolution of 1920x1080px. Posts that fail with this error message usually contain images with a much higher resolution. Resize the image and try publishing again.
Facebook error: Fatal (code -1, subcode 2207001)
This error is returned when the Instagram anti-spam mechanism is triggered. Instagram is unable to comment on exactly what caused it and how you can prevent it (there are no further details along with the error message). Instagram intentionally do not share the details to prevent someone from trying to circumvent or play around with their system. Our recommendation is to amend the post - alter the copy/text, change the picture (if attached), etc., and try to publish again.
Facebook error: (#10) Application does not have permission for this action (code 10, subcode null)
Check that the Instagram account and Facebook Page are still connected correctly.
Also, please check that you have an Admin role on the linked Facebook Page.
You may then follow these steps:
Click on “Can't find a profile?"
Next, click on to reconnect (please proceed to log into Facebook when redirected to the next screen)
Then, click on Done connecting profiles
Facebook error: Invalid user id (code 110, subcode 2207018) errorUserTitle=Cannot load user with a private account or invalid username, errorUserMessage=The following user(s) cannot be accessed: {username}
You've received this publishing error because the username you've tried to tag is invalid or it is a private account - please check your post and its tagged user(s), there might be a typo or another mistake.
Facebook error: User access is restricted (code 25, subcode 2207050) 'User is unavailable - The Instagram account is either inactive or restricted.'
The concerned account has been restricted by Instagram. This usually happens when the account violates Instagram's Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. You'll need to log in to the concerned account in the Instagram app and follow on-screen instructions to re-enable your account.
Facebook error: Media ID is not available (code 9007, subcode 2207027) 'Cannot Publish - The media is not ready for publishing, please wait for a moment' errorUserTitle=Cannot Publish, errorUserMessage=The media is not ready for publishing, please wait for a moment'
Please wait - our systems are configured to automatically retry the publishing process in case this kind of Instagram API error response appears. Usually one of the next tries is successful. If even after multiple attempts to publish your post it is not published successfully, please check your video/image file - it might not be eligible for publishing after all, due to incorrect resolution, bitrate, aspect ratio, etc. You can find all the specs for images and videos here.
Facebook error: You reached maximum number of posts that is allowed to be published by Content Publishing API. (code 9, subcode 2207042)
With Instagram Content Publishing, your account is allowed to publish a maximum of 25 posts within a 24-hour period. Please wait before further publishing.
Facebook error: Application request limit reached (code 4, subcode 2207051) 'action is blocked - We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.'
Instagram has considered the content to be spam. They say: "The publishing action is suspected to be spam. We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Let us know if you can determine that the publishing actions is not spam." We recommend reaching out to Instagram directly, to resolve the issue.