Agorapulse allows you to organize your team members effectively, by managing their account-wide or profile specific roles and permissions.
Team Settings can be used to view a list of all users associated to your Organization and to get an snapshot of the current roles and permissions that have been allocated. In addition to these settings, you will also be able to see additional information about each user; eg. last login date and add or delete team members.
Please Note: Only users with organization Owner or Manager level permissions may access the Team Settings. Owners and Managers can add, delete and edit team members. Users with Member-level permissions will not be able to access the Team Settings.
How to access Team Settings
You can access Team settings through your Organization settings:
Click on the avatar on the bottom left on the screen > select Organization settings
Select the Team sub-menu
Team Settings Overview
To see an overview of your team members, head over to your Team settings page; from this page, you will see the following for each of your users:
The joining date of a user
The role of a user
The user's last login date
Note: If you have invited users to your organization, you can check your pending invites at the bottom of this page.
For every existing user (pending invitations included), from the 3 dots menu, you can:
View full member details (to edit your colleagues' roles and permissions)
Delete them from an organization
Resend an invitation (for pending invitations)
Copy link to invite (for pending invitations)
Roles & Permissions
Manager role
The Manager role automatically grants Admin rights on all the social profiles connected to the organization. It also allows the addition and removal of new social profiles and users.
Additional Roles for Managers
Managers can also be granted 2 optional permissions:
Workspace creation/deletion - if enabled the manager can create or delete workspaces (if this feature is available in your Agorapulse plan)
Access subscription page - possibility to edit the payment method and access invoices.
Member role
This user role is fully customizable, with 4 different levels of permissions can be given to any member on a social profile (Admin / Editor / Moderator / Guest).
Roles on social profiles define permissions in terms of actions a user is allowed to take on a given social profile.
There are 4 types of roles:
Admins have all permissions. They can perform any action in Inbox, Listening, Publishing, Reports, etc. Also, they are the only ones allowed to access and modify certain page settings (ad account settings, or monitoring searches setting, e.g.)
Editors have full access to the Inbox (replying to or liking comments, etc.), Listening (see listening results, interact with them, etc.), Publishing (approve drafts, publish posts, etc.) and Reports (export Reports, enable/disable competitors, but not add/remove them, etc.) sections. They don't have access to Listening search settings. These users will have access to the Social profile settings but no ability to edit them.
Moderators have full access to Inbox and Listening (approve/reply/assign/bookmark/like comments or messages, etc.). In Publishing, they can only schedule content, which then needs to be approved by an Editor or an Admin. There is 1 exception to this, where Moderators are able to Retweet items from the Inbox.
They can't edit scheduled draft posts. They are also not allowed to modify publishing settings - for example, queue slot times - or change the publishing times of scheduled posts or reposting settings of a post. They cannot access monitoring search settings, or ad account settings, either. They can view, but cannot add/remove competitors. And they can view but can't export Reports.
Guests are in view-only mode, they cannot perform any publishing, replying or moderation actions. They can filter and view items in most sections (Inbox & Listening). They can view but cannot export Reports. They cannot access any Page settings.
Additional permissions for Members
Members can be granted the following optional permissions:
Manage workspace (if enabled in your organization): Ability to access the settings of a workspace in order to manage it.
Manage social profiles: Ability to connect or remove the social profiles on which they have Admin rights
How to Edit Roles and Permissions
You can edit roles and permissions for users individually or through the bulk editing option.
To see a full overview of a user, click on the 3 dots menu for the user you want to view and then View full member details.
This will open a page that allows you to see what role this user has within Agorapulse (Manager or Member).
Bulk Edit Function
Select the user(s) whose role/permissions you would like to edit and press Bulk Edit Team or Edit Team Member
Choose the relevant permissions then Update
Managing Access to Multiple Organizations
It is possible to be part of multiple Agorapulse organizations (or plans). You can only be the Owner of 1 organization. So, if you are an Owner on 1 organization and part of another plan, you can only hold either a Manager or a Member role on the second plan.
If you are part of several organizations with the same email address - for example, an Owner in Organization 1 and a Member of Organization 2 - there is an easy way to switch between the organizations. Click your profile picture in the bottom-left corner and choose Switch to another organization.
On the next window you will see the list of organizations available to you. Select the organization you wish to use.
If you are part of several organizations with different email addresses, you will need to log out of one organization then log into the next organization.
Workspace Access Management
Please Note: Workspace Management is available depending on the subscription plan you have. If you would like to change your plan to access this feature, feel free reach out to us here.
Agorapulse offers the possibility to grant or restrict access to specific workspaces for users by using the Member role. You can choose which workspaces you want them to view; all the others will be hidden. This can be done when you invite a new user or within the member details section.
It is also possible to grant certain profiles to a user within a Workspace by clicking on the Workspace itself and then individually managing the roles on each profile.