Agorapulse’s Advanced Listening feature helps businesses gather key, real-time insights into topics affecting their brand. Advanced Listening alerts allow brands to proactively manage crises and easily detect changes in sentiment and search volume, whilst simultaneously providing a call to action for notified members of your team.
In this article we will outline:
Please Note: You must configure an Advanced Listening search by following these steps before setting up alerts. The Advanced Listening feature is available for purchase as an add-on to your subscription. More information on pricing is available here.
How to configure Advanced Listening alerts
Advanced Listening alerts can be configured on a per search basis. Multiple alerts can be created per search.
In order to access the Listening alerts settings, click on the Manage alerts button in the Advanced Listening Dashboard.
To create an Advanced Listening alert from the Listening alerts settings:
Click on an existing Listening search from the Your listening searches heading
Click +Create a new alert
Select metric variations that will trigger an alert from the drop-down menu
Metrics include: Total Volume, Volume of positive sentiment posts, Volume of negative sentiment postsChoose the Alert sensitivity from the drop-down**
You can choose from Small, Medium or Large increases variations for the selected metricAdd E-mail & notification recipients from the drop-down of internal team members
Click Save alert when complete
**Please Note: Agorapulse measures increase in Listening search volume in relation to the standard deviation (the typical variation from the average in a data set). A small increase is equivalent to one standard deviation above the mean, a medium increase is two standard deviations, and a large increase is three standard deviations.
How to view an Advanced Listening alert
If changes in Advanced Listening volume trigger an alert, both an in-app notification and an email notification with be sent to users who have been added as recipients.
You will find an example of this type of notification below:
After clicking on Open search in Agorapulse you will be taken to the Advanced Listening Search Results for the relevant Listening search. To view an Advanced Listening alert on this page:
View the banner on the top of the page
This banner will show the number of unseen alerts and what triggered the alertClick See metrics to navigate to the report containing an alert
Click on the date of the alert in order to view matching search results
This can assist with assessing the reason for the increase on the specific dayOnce the alert has been actioned, click Mark as seen to remove the alert
Alerts will be automatically removed after 7 days
Note: You can Mark all as seen to remove all Listening alerts associated to a Listening search.
How to view Advanced Listening alert history
Advanced Listening alert history is available within the Listening alerts settings. This history will include when an alert was created, triggered and marked as seen.
To access the Advanced Listening alert history from the Advanced Listening tool:
Click on Manage alerts
Click on an active Listening alert
Click on the history (clock) icon
How to manage Advanced Listening alerts
To edit an Advanced Listening alert from the Advanced Listening tool:
Click on Manage alerts
Click on an active Listening alert
Click on the edit (pencil) icon
Make any relevant changes
Click Save alert
To disable/enable an Advanced Listening alert:
Click on Manage alerts
Click on an active Listening alert
Toggle Alert enabled on or off