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How can I add a social profile?
How can I add a social profile?
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In order to manage your social media accounts through Agorapulse, you will first need to add all the relevant profiles and pages for your organization. For more information on social profiles, you can take a look at this article: What is a social profile?

Below, you can see the types of profiles you can add to Agorapulse:

  • Facebook Pages

  • Twitter profiles

  • Instagram Professional (Business or Creator)

  • LinkedIn personal profiles, business pages & showcase pages

  • YouTube profiles (channels)

  • Google Business profile

  • TikTok business account

  • Pinterest account

  • Threads account

Below we will outline the process of adding each profile per social network.

How to add a social profile

If you want to add a social profile, click on the + icon on the left-nav and select Add a social profile.

Note: Owners and Managers are able to add social profiles by default. Members can add a social profile if 'Manage social profiles' is enabled in their permission settings.

You'll arrive on the main Connect page, from where you can add social profiles (you can get there also by clicking here). From there, choose what type of social profile you'd like to add - Facebook Page or Instagram Account, etc. When prompted, accept the permissions by clicking on OK.


To add a Facebook page, you need to make sure you have Facebook Access within the Settings & Privacy menu. To check this follow the steps below:

  • Head over to the Facebook page you want to add

  • Make sure you switch into the Facebook page

  • Click on Professional Dashboard in the menu on the left

  • Scroll down on the left-hand menu and select Page access

  • If your name appears under People with Facebook access, then you should be able to add this page to Agorapulse

  • If your name is not visible on this page: the page is likely being managed within Meta Business Manager. For further details, refer to our article here.

  • If your name is visible but you do not appear under Facebook access: you will need to reach out to someone on your team who does have this role.

Note: If you have Task Access and are unable to add the profile, please reach out to an internal user with Facebook Access to update your permissions.


To add a Twitter account, please follow these steps:

  1. [Important] Be sure you're logged into Twitter with the account you'd like to add

  2. Click on the Add a Twitter profile button

  3. Authorize the app

Wait a few moments to see your inbox synchronized and enjoy!

Note: If you have decided to protect your own Tweets, they will still synchronize within Agorapulse. However, if a user you don't follow mentions you in a protected Tweet, it will be impossible for us to synchronize it.


To add an Instagram account, please follow these steps:

  1. Be sure the Instagram profile you're going to connect with is an Instagram Professional (Business or Creator) profile - Instagram personal profiles are no longer supported in Agorapulse (learn more about how to convert your Instagram personal profile to an Instagram Professional profile, here)

  2. Be sure your Instagram Professional (Business or Creator) profile is linked to a Facebook Page.

  3. Make sure you have the right permission on the linked page: Facebook access with Full Control.

    You may also need the "asset" assigned to you in the Facebook Business account. To learn more about this click here.

  4. Then click the Add an Instagram Professional account button

  5. Accept permissions when prompted

  6. Select the correct profile from the list and click Add profile

Note: If you are still having difficulty connecting your Instagram account, please head over to this article here for a more in-depth look at troubleshooting this.


  1. Be sure you're logged in with your LinkedIn profile

  2. Click Add a LinkedIn profile

  3. Choose your LinkedIn company page, Showcase page, or LinkedIn personal account from the list

You can either add a LinkedIn Company Page you created (or administer), or you can add a Company Page on which you've been invited as admin.

Note: that you will need a Super Admin role on the page to add it to Agorapulse.

For Showcase pages, you will need to make sure you have a Super Admin role on the LinkedIn Company Page that the Showcase Page is linked to as the Content Admin role isn't sufficient.

Note: If you are connecting a personal profile for a client, you will need to log in as the client, or have access to the credentials of the personal profile you wish to add.


  1. Click Add a YouTube channel

  2. Choose the correct Google account you're managing the YouTube profile with

  3. Click Allow on all permissions asked

  4. Choose the profile

YouTube Brand account

You need to have a Manager role on the YouTube brand account to be able to add it to Agorapulse.

The YouTube API currently doesn't allow invited users (regardless of their role) to add them. You can add a channel listed directly under your Google account, but you can also add one or more channels managed under brand accounts, tied to your Google account. More about managing YouTube channels here.

Google Business profile

To connect Google Business profiles:

  • you'll need to authenticate the Google Account you are managing profiles on

  • you'll need to have a role on the profiles (businesses) - can be Primary Owner, Owner, Manager or Site Manager

  • profile (business) needs to be verified (this is Business Profiles API requirement) - learn more on how to verify your business here

TikTok Business account

To add a TikTok business account, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the TikTok business account button

  2. Log in to TikTok (or have your account open in a separate tab)

  3. Authorize Agorapulse to access your TikTok account

Note: If you want to link a TikTok account that is different to the one shown on the authorization screen, you must first log out of the account shown, then repeat the steps above with the chosen account.

Pinterest account

To add a Pinterest account, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add a Pinterest account button

  2. Log in with your email address and password or Facebook/Google

  3. Click on the Give access button

Threads account

To add a Threads account, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add a Threads account button

  2. Log in to Threads (or have your account open in a separate tab)

  3. Authorize Agorapulse to access your Threads account

How many social profiles can I add?

Depending on your subscription, there are a pre-determined amount of profiles available to add to your account. You can confirm these limits on our pricing page or in your Subscription settings.

If you are on one of our paid plans, you have the option to add as many social profiles as you need! These additional profiles can be configured as add-ons in your Subscription settings. More information on that is available here.

It is important to note that users on a Free trial or Free plan, do not have the ability to add additional profiles. Other limitations also apply.

When thinking of adding social profiles to your plan, it's worth comparing your current plan to our other offerings. Another plan may offer a higher number of social profiles as well as other features you could benefit from. Check out this page for a comparison of social profiles, and features, in each of the available plans.

If you are unsure of the best option for you, feel free to contact us here. We'll be happy to help!

Wondering what a social profile is? Take a look here.

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